Mile 24: Rhythm. Nashville.

The principle of design for this mile is RHYTHM. At this point in the marathon I’ve gotten into the rhythm of painting regularly. It’s a natural part of my week. Now that I’ve gotten into this life rhythm, I should be able to continue painting and becoming more creatively fit when the marathon is over (two more paintings to go!).

In this mile we were supposed to paint what makes us happy. I actually postponed this one for quite a while until the right idea finally hit me. I love the city of Nashville. It really feels like home to me- every time I take a walk on Belmont Boulevard with my dog I feel so grateful to be a part of the city. I’m not sure I’m totally settled here yet, but I’m working on it. So, I chose to paint the Nashville skyline (or my interpretation of it). Plus, the ups and downs of the buildings and the lines of windows create nice rhythm. I could have spent hours and hours on this one adding more detail, but I sort of like it the way it is. I’ll miss this one when it’s gone!